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ASPRIVA featured in Schön! Magazine
ASPRIVA featured in Women's Health
ASPRIVA featured in ZOO Magazine
ASPRIVA featured in Men's Health Magazine
ASPRIVA featured in InStyle Magazine
ASPRIVA media clipping GRAZIA Magazin
ASPRIVA in Wirtschaft ist Gesellschaft -

At ASPRIVA, we leave nothing to chance: each of our products is tested for purity and safety in independent laboratories, and every batch from production. Why do we do this? Because as a responsible brand, there is simply no alternative! Unfortunately, many pollutants are almost impossible to avoid today; the only question is how high the level of pollution is. Our claim: uncompromising quality and safety.

Frequently asked questions

Plant extracts contain natural compounds that can absorb impurities from cultivation, processing and storage. Also certified organic ingredients are affected, as they can be contaminated by soil, air or processing with heavy metals, mycotoxins or plasticizers. Therefore, more tests are necessary. In addition to heavy metals and germs, they must be tested for pesticides, plasticizers (e.g. from packaging), glyphosate, mycotoxins (mould poisons) and dioxins & PCBs (industrial pollutants) to ensure safety and purity.

Our VITAQ OMEGA3 1100 undergoes a wide range of quality parameters in independent laboratories to ensure it is safe to take as part of your longevity routine. These include heavy metals, microbiological safety, dioxins and PCBs, and freshness/oxidation. The effective omega-3 content per capsule has also been determined.

Our water-soluble ASPRIVA powders contain plant-based and natural extracts, not purely synthetic ingredients. Therefore, a comprehensive range of tests is essential. Independent laboratories test them for heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic), dioxins and PCBs (industrial pollutants), pesticides (chemical residues from agriculture), plasticizers (phthalates) from packaging, glyphosate (a commonly used pesticide), mycotoxins (mould poisons) and microbiological safety (germs, yeasts, mould). These analyses ensure a safe and unobjectionable regular intake.

Pflanzenextrakte enthalten natürliche Verbindungen, die Verunreinigungen aus Anbau, Verarbeitung und Lagerung aufnehmen können. Daher sind mehr Tests nötig. Auch Rohstoffe in Bio-Qualität sind betroffen, da sie durch Böden, Luft oder Verarbeitung mit Schwermetallen, Mykotoxinen oder Weichmachern belastet sein können. Neben Schwermetallen und Keimen müssen sie auf Pestizide, Weichmacher (z. B. aus Verpackungen), Glyphosat, Mykotoxine (Schimmelpilzgifte) und Dioxine & PCB (industrielle Schadstoffe) geprüft werden, um Sicherheit und Reinheit zu gewährleisten.